Position Statement – Green Dispensary Teething Gel

Position Statement on Lidocaine-Containing Teething Gel for Oral Pain Relief

Green Dispensary’s Teething Gel is based on a formula containing lidocaine and chlorhexidine, which is applied topically to the oral mucosa for analgesic and antiseptic purposes.

First developed over 10 years ago, our original formula resembled a liquid-like consistency which was later re-developed into a firm dental gel to minimise the risk of potential overdose. This coincided with a further change in packaging from a bottle to a 10ml tube, enabling better control with dosing.

When used as directed, the unique features of the Green Dispensary’s Teething Gel upholds the safety of this medicine whilst meeting the need for topical oral pain relief in circumstances such as teething in infants, ulcers and oral inflammation.

For information about the latest teething relief guidelines from SA Health, view their recent media release here: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/about+us/news+and+media/media+releases/new+advice+for+infant+teething+gel

Diabetes Education: Members of Your Health Care Team – Who They Are and What Do They Do?

Diabetes is chronic condition that requires support, education and understanding. Often the diagnosis can be overwhelming and living with it every day requires the support of a health care team.

Your health care team is made up of health professionals that you choose to support you through your journey, as well as friends and family that are able to help you make decisions about your well being. Most importantly however, you are the most significant member of this team.

The following health care professionals are some (but not necessarily all) of the members who are able to help support you no matter what type of diabetes you have or how long you have been diagnosed.

GPyour doctor is central to your health care team and the starting point for which you can access referrals for other members of your team.

EndocrinologistThis is the specialist who can provide information about your disease state and is an important part of the team . As with all members of your health team, there are different styles of practising. Some endocrinologists like to see your day to day glucose levels (and spend time discussing these with you) while other endocrinologists will spent more time in your appointment discussing such things as cholesterol and blood pressure, if this is applicable. As is always the case, it is important you are comfortable with a style that suits you!

Credentialled Diabetes EducatorThis is someone who can educate you about all aspects of your diabetes, both upon diagnosis and throughout your journey. Research is changing the way we manage diabetes so it is important to see your educator on a regular basis. Here at the Green Dispensary we have two Credentialled Diabetes Educators (Kirrily and Julie) who can help with all facets of  your diabetes.

DietitianThe good news is there is now no such thing as a diabetes diet! However a dietitian can help modify recipes, discuss a healthy eating plan and dispel myths about food that often occur with diabetes.

PodiatristThis member of the team is helpful when you are diagnosed to get a base line of circulation and nerve health. They are also important throughout your journey to ensure the health of your feet and lower limbs are maintained.

Optometrist-Important to keep a track of the health of your eyes and to regularly upgrade your glasses or contact lenses if necessary.

Ophthalmologist-An eye specialist that can monitor changes in your retina (often not able to be detected from day to day) and organise treatment if required.

Exercise Physiologist –Specialise in the delivery of physical activity for the prevention and management of your diabetes. Sometimes it is about doing something in a different way.

Pharmacist- helps you understand and organise all your medicines, even those purchased  over the counter.

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – A Medical Food Supplement for Chronic Pain Management

PEA is experiencing a surge in popularity as a safe and natural approach to addressing a diverse range of chronic and neuropathic pain and inflammation issues.

PEA stands for palmitoylethanolamide, a fatty molecule produced endogenously in response to tissue damage and injury as part of the body’s natural immune process. Found widely throughout the body’s tissues, PEA has been extensively studied since the 1950s as a therapeutic agent for pain modulation as well as its protective, regulatory and healing role within the body.

How does it work?

PEA is involved in several mechanisms of action to deliver pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory benefits. Its key mode of action involves binding to a target site within cells which subsequently “turns down or switches off”, the inflammatory process. A second important mode of action is PEA’s ability decrease the activity of specialized immune cells within the nervous system which may assist with reducing the intensity of pain signals. Collectively, these and other modes of action have demonstrated a positive effect across a range of chronic and neuropathic pain and inflammation presentations.

At times, our natural production of PEA may be inadequate to suppress the effects of pain and inflammation. Therefore, supplementing with a therapeutic dose of PEA can increase its immediate availability to the body’s tissues to address symptoms sooner.

Pain presentations which may benefit from PEA supplementation


Neuropathic pain and symptoms


Carpal tunnel syndrome

Lower back pain

Dental pain


Prostate pain

Multiple sclerosis

Pelvic pain

Diabetic neuropathy

Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy

Post herpetic neuralgia

Menstrual pain

Vaginal pain

Treatment regime

Studies demonstrate that the maximal benefits of PEA are achieved at therapeutic doses of 1200mg consumed daily for 8-12 weeks. However, this is dependent upon the nature of the pain, it’s causes, and triggers

Is it safe?

PEA has been extensively studied for efficacy, and has shown to provide benefits without reported side effects or known drug interactions.

PEA is naturally produced in our bodies and obtained from our diet. However, as a medical food supplement, its safety during pregnancy or lactation has yet to be established.

To find out more about PEA and whether it may benefit you, speak to our team at the Green Dispensary Pharmacy Group


  1. Paladini A, Fusco M, Cenacchi T, et al. Palmitoylethanolamide, a special food for medical purposes, in the treatment of chronic pain: a pooled data meta-analysis. Pain Physician 2016; 19: 11-24
  2. Keppel Hesselink, JM,Hekker T. Therapeutic utility of palmitoylethanolamide in the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with various pathological conditions: a case series. J Pain Research 2012;5:437-442
  3. Wiley Periodicals Inc. Safety of micronized palmitoylethanolamide (microPEA): lack of toxicity and genotoxic potential. Food Science and Nutrition 2017; 5(2): 292-309

Diabetes Education: How to recognise and address hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels)

Hypoglycemia is most common in people who inject insulin or who take certain tablets (called sulphonylureas) to manage their diabetes.

A hypoglycaemic event is defined as blood glucose levels less than 4mmol/L whether the person has symptoms or not.

Common symptoms of hypoglycaemia include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking, weakness
  • Hunger
  • Lack of concentration
  • Changes in mood
  • Headache, dizziness


To treat hypoglycaemia, an individual should eat short acting carbohydrates (15gms). For example:

  • 6-7 jellybeans or
  • 3 teaspoons sugar/honey or
  • ½ can soft drink


Followed by longer acting carbohydrate. For example:

  • A slice of bread of
  • A glass of milk or
  • A piece of fruit


Green Dispensary’s credentialled diabetes educators are available throughout all stores to assist with further education and strategies to help manage Type 1 and 2 diabetes.

The “Beauty” of Collagen

The quest to resist the effects of ageing has long been leveraged by marketers of health and beauty products. The latest in the line up of “anti-ageing” health supplements is collagen, derived from what were once by-products of the meat and seafood industry.

What we now know, is that supplementing or increasing dietary intake of the specific group of proteins found in these by-products contribute a valuable role to the repair and renewal of most structural tissues in our body through collagen synthesis. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is a collection of small proteins known as amino acids and peptides, which forms a three-dimensional, mesh framework for our tissues and organs giving them structure, shape, strength and resilience.  It is the most abundant type of protein in our body, making up 35% of our total body composition and the foundation of our bones, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, cartilage, skin, hair and nails. Without collagen in our body to provide structure, we would literally be a puddle on the floor.

Factors impacting natural collagen synthesis:

Collagen is naturally produced in our body throughout our life but slows down as we age. By 40 years of age, our natural production slows by as much as 25% and by age 60, production is slowed by 50%. Furthermore, factors such as stress, nutrient insufficiency particularly of vitamin C, iron and copper, and lifestyle factors such as smoking can accelerate this decline. With regards to skin health and appearance, reduced collagen synthesis can present as sagging, wrinkles, thinness and exacerbated dryness, whilst in other tissues, it may contribute towards lowered bone density, problems with joints and ligaments, or brittle hair and nails.

How does oral collagen work?

Collagen peptides derived through diet or supplementation provides the building blocks for collagen synthesis. Furthermore, consuming these particular peptides has been shown to increase both the number and activity of collagen-synthesizing cells,  I.e. Fibroblasts (found in skin and soft tissues), osteoblasts (found in bone) and chondroblasts (found in cartilage). Other nutrients heavily involved in the process are vitamin C, iron and copper which influence formation of the triple-helix structure of collagen strands, giving rise to strength and resilience within tissues.

What should we look for in a collagen supplement?

There are 28 different types of collagen in our body, but Types 1 and 3 are the most common and constitute 85% of the total collagen content in our tissues.  Bovine and marine collagen peptides provide readily abundant amounts of these two types and ideally, should be sourced from reputable companies who support ethical and sustainable practices.

There are no vegetarian or vegan sources of collagen available since this particular arrangement of peptides is absent in plants; however, some manufacturers are producing plant-based formulations containing the nutritional co-factors to support your natural collagen synthesis.

Hydrolysed collagen (collagen broken down into smaller molecules via an enzymatic process) may be beneficial for anyone with malabsorption issues.

Key benefits of collagen supplementation:

We have a tremendous capacity to produce collagen at an effective rate to support growth and the healthy turnover of tissues during our youth. However, age, nutrient insufficiency, stress and smoking, can interrupt and slow down the process.

Taking a collagen supplement can supply a boost of relevant peptides used in the regular, healthy production of collagen. From the perspective of skin health and appearance, an internal boost in available peptides could improve the appearance of lines and furrows, improve lipid and water hydration levels within the skin layers, and improve skin thickness and density.

In addition, oral collagen intake has also been shown to:

– help correct weak or damaged nail beds

– slow down hair loss and support hair thickening

– improve skin elasticity

– assist with lean muscle production

Dosages and side effects:

Doses of 2.5 – 5g daily of hydrolysed collagen may provide visible differences in skin, hair and nail health in 8-12 weeks. Optimally, it should be consumed together with Vitamin C at a dose of 150mg daily

Side effects are extremely rare since most supplements contain pure raw material without additional fillers or additives. If there is a known sensitivity to fish, shellfish or the animal product used in the supplement, it should be avoided.  Rare digestive symptoms may include a feeling of fullness or indigestion.

For more information speak to our health professionals at The Green Dispensary Pharmacies.



  1. Rittie L. Cellular mechanisms of skin repair in humans and other mammals. J Cell Commun Signal. 2016 Jun; 10(2): 103–120
  2. Shigemura Y et al. Changes in composition and content of food-derived peptide in human blood after daily ingestion of collagen hydrolysate for 4 weeks
  3. Energetic Nutrition 2016. Collagen Types 1,2 and 3 – Knowing the Important Differences
  4. Telang PS. Vitamin C in Dermatology. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2013 Apr-Jun; 4(2): 143–146

Disclaimer: This information is intended for general advice and does not serve to address any specific health issues. For more information on any content, please contact us the Green Dispensary on 08 8363 7322 or compounding@greendispensary.com.au

Natural Health Supplements Featured on 60 Minutes – Sun 10th Feb 2019

A segment on natural supplements went to air on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes on Sunday 10th Feb 2019, regarding adverse effects related to their use and raising questions around their quality, safety and efficacy.

We felt the segment presented an unbalanced view of the safety of natural supplements, of how these and other medicines are regulated in Australia, and that the adverse events presented failed to provide context around it in relation to overall quantity of natural health supplements purchased and consumed.

Below, we share some of the statistics related to adverse events concerning both natural health products and medicines in Australia, and how these are regulated.

* 41,000 adverse effects have been reported relating to natural medicines over a two year period, and only 1% of these were considered to be of a serious nature.

* This statistic can be compared to 650,000 hospital admissions per year in Australia related to adverse reactions to medications, all of which have been prescribed by a medical professional

* The adverse reports from taking natural supplements, do no differentiate between consumers who have self-prescribed via the internet, multi-level marketing or retail purchases, and those who have received professional advice.

* Regarding quality, our regulatory body for medicines, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), have stringent guidelines around labeling and content of ingredients for all products sold commercially in Australia ie. what is on the label is in the product, and vice versa.

As advocates for evidence-based integrative medicine which incorporates natural and nutritional supplements, we understand there is potential for adverse reactions with any therapeutic product including natural supplements.

This is why the Green Dispensary has health professionals with training in both natural and pharmaceutical medicines, to provide appropriate advice and consultation around their safe and effective use.